1. Current background
2. Why there is no peace?
Attributed reasons:
Real reasons:
3. Factors that will generate peace
Tamil stand:
Sinhala stand:
Developed capitalism
4. What could we do?
1. Current background
2. Why there is no peace?
Attributed reasons:
Tamil/Hindu/Indian/Muslim/Christian take over
International plot against Sinhala Buddhists
Real reasons:
Remnants of feudalism:
Land ownership & caste system
Nature of ‘peoples’ in Sri Lanka
Capitalism and its production relations
Nature of capitalism in Sri Lanka
Political opportunism
Mono-cultural constitution
Systematic oppression
No international norms
Sinhala and Tamil Nationalism
Misinterpretation of history
Misunderstanding of history
Social and cultural diversity
Entrenched inequality & discrimination
Lack of equality of opportunity
Political Sinhala Buddhism
National liberation movement
q Sinhalese are the oppressors
q Sinhalese cannot be trusted
q Homeland and nation concepts
q The custodianship myth - "bundled" package (land, religion, language, and race. (cf. Israel)
q Tamils cannot be trusted
q International plot to subjugate
q Government – the custodian
q Tamil expansion and ‘taking over’ business and jobs
q Tamils will take over the south
q Tamils are aliens
q Formation of a single Tamil entity with Tamil Nadu
3. Factors that will generate peace
Tamil stand:
Thimpu principles (1985)
q Tamils were a nation
q They had a traditional homeland
q Their right to self-determination,
q Their right to equality and citizenship
Sinhala stand:
q Tamils are not a nation
q did not have a traditional homeland
q No to right to self-determination,
q No right to equality and citizenship
q Expanding custodianship myth
q Annihilation of Tamil Eelam advocates
Developed capitalism
Political recognition of the diversity of society
q Diversity of peoples of Sri Lanka
q Right to self-determination of Tamils
q Secular constitution
q Autonomy of Muslims and Tamils
q Equality of opportunity
q Right of Self determination
q Homeland
q India’s role
q Plight of Muslims and the Tamils of the plantation sector
q Mutual mistrust
q Military conflict
Mode of production & Relations of production
4. What could we do?
q Pressure to comply with international norms
q Providing humanitarian assistance
q Promoting facilitation/mediation
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