Wednesday 26 June 2024

A Possibility to Work Towards Prosperity and Unity in Sri Lanka - 8 November 2019


A Possibility to Work Towards Prosperity and Unity in Sri Lanka


During the 2019 Presidential election, the people of Sri Lanka have expressed overwhelming confidence in Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa by electing him as the seventh President of Sri Lanka. We take this opportunity to congratulate the new President and wish his government and the country well. It was comparatively a very peaceful election and kudos to all those who contributed to achieving such an outcome. We hope this goodwill will carry on into the future; with the new government using the highly advantageous and beneficial position it has gained to set the country and its people in the right direction by working towards building economic prosperity and national unity based on the principles of social justice and equality.

The country had similar opportunities in the past: When President J R Jayawardena gained unprecedented power to rule as the first Executive President, he and his government had   a similar opportunity, but he failed miserably.  He set the country on a path which resulted in a civil war, of which the causes are yet to be addressed. The tsunami devastation of December 2004 provided a second opportunity, when all the communities affected were overflowing with intercommunal harmony.  Unfortunately, President Chandrika Kumaratunga could not mobilise the people to use that opportunity to unite the country as was done in Aceh in Indonesia. The third opportunity existed when President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and the security forces brought the Tamil militant armed struggle to an end in May 2009. Yet, their attempts to drive an agenda to reinforce their own power and interests, made them completely neglect the opportunity to bring the communities together.

The Easter bombings carried out by Islamic fundamentalists brought the issue of national security to the forefront. The people were shocked as they could not understand the failure of the regime as well as those who were aware of the impending disasters to either thwart or minimise the devastation caused to lives, property and the national psyche. With the new government, our expectation is that the inaction and stagnation displayed during the last few years will end in a positive way and will not lead like in the past to autocratic approaches accompanied with diminished freedoms and human rights.


For the first time in the presidential election history, an election has been won by galvanising the majority community. However, this makes it possible for the Seventh President to endeavour to address the political, economic and social issues of the many communities. The election results brought to light the well-known fissures and polarisation among our communities. Nevertheless, this situation should not be used as a pretext to create an environment of curtailing democratic rights and freedoms of the people.  They should be enshrined and reinforced.  For decisive leadership on national security can still be achieved by not infringing upon the civil liberties of the people.

This Presidential election outcome provide a different possibility as there is no civil war to distract their focus on equity and justice for all communities.  Threats of extremism could arise in future if the issues leading to national disunity are not addressed in a concrete and long-lasting manner. Despite the rhetoric expressed at political platforms leading to the election, we hope that the wishes of the people have been to have a peaceful, united and prosperous country where the people will be able to reap the socio-economic benefits in a fair manner. The new government led by President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has a historic opportunity to take the country forward in the right direction, protecting the trust and confidence an overwhelming majority of people has placed in them.

It is in this vein we of the AAGGSL urge the new government to display the political courage and will to unite all Sri Lankans as one, by creating possibilities for the most extraordinary synergy to enable its diverse populace to build an inclusive, tolerant and respectful culture. Such synergy cannot be achieved unless the issues prevailing in the country can be addressed by not resorting to chauvinism and discrimination and by not marginalising certain communities for the benefit of another. We believe that that this is the only path that can lead to a united and prosperous future. This is unchartered territory, but with political courage and will, it can be achieved.  It is with this political hope, we wish the New President and his government well.

8 November 2019

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